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Saturday, March 27, 2010

This Blog has a New Home!

For whatever reason, Blogger doesn't seem to want to work too well with Microsoft Word anymore... and considering my propensity for spelling errors and what not, Word will help me immensely.

I am setting up a new WordPress based blog that I will simply host locally. The new blog address will be - I am still doing all the setup and theme configuration but hope to have it fully up and running by this week.

I'll see you there!

Dave Kessler


The Dissonance said...

Use either Live Writer (word for bloggers) or IEspell, both free. I dare you to try Live Writer, is an editor for web sites that make you look like a pro. Cheers.

Dave Kessler said...

Thanks for the heads up. I am actually going to go a 3rd route and am settting up a blog to be hosted on my own site. So the new, new address will be

Dman said...

We will go that route then. Thanks